Thursday, August 14, 2008


This is how we're feeling today.
Anybody sick of hearing about all the good things? Well here's some crappy news then: I lost my freaking camera. Even more irritating, I lost it in my house I'm pretty sure. It's driving me insane. I have looked everywhere. I tell people this and they say "How about under the furniture?" I'm telling you, EVERYWHERE. I can somehow feel it's presence, I know it's close, but I still can't find it. I wish I could call it.
I'm really stuck about it. It's really bumming me out. You know how much I like to take pictures and make movies of Bunsy.
I am loosing hope.
To ice the cake Ezra will not sleep today. I took him to the pool to wear him out. Nope. Walked to the co-op. Nope. Lay down with him, snore, let him nurse for exaggerated lengths of time. Nope.
One more pissy party factor: today's temperature reached 102.
All I want is to make movies of sleeping babies in 70 degree temperature. Please.

1 comment:

michael rak said...

we sure hope that you find your camera as we sure do enjoy the photos of Ezra and you, along with the updates on what's happening on the coast.
Love ya both, Dad and Nate
