Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cocktails Shmocktails

Well, still no sign of that weaselly camera. I have found one on ebay for $5. There's another day to the bidding so here's hoping no one else wants it.
I don't have much experience with buying things in the internet auction forum. The only exception was when I arranged for my grandfather, who doesn't do the web, to purchase some glasses with flashlights attached to either side through ebay. That was a little different though because I don't think anyone else was remotely interested in the glasses.
It was another scorcher today, freaking 102. I went to the pool with the roomies and Ezra. He loves it. He kicks and blows raspberries on my shoulder. I even got him some new swim suits, one boring blue and the other purple with hawaiian flowers. So fantastic.
Tomorrow we're going to a church I've heard about from some friends. It's across town so we'll take the bus. I'm looking to expand my circle. I need some spiritual folks. My current pals are fine but a little too drinky drinky if you know what I mean. For example last night Kate and I wanted to play an awesome game called Apples to Apples and we invited 5 or so people over. We called it Game Night. No one came! Not one. Just the two of us couldn't play so it was a wash. We had a fine time just the two of us but then today I was irked to hear some of the same people are getting together to play Apples to Apples tonight, but under the heading of a Cocktail Party. So I've got to buy a bottle of whiskey to get friends over? Plus, if you haven't played it, the game is so good a buzz isn't necessary.
At least I'm eating great food. We went to the farmer's market this morning and I bought gorgeous produce including a white cantaloupe that tastes like papaya. I also purchased zucchini, sweet corn, hazelnuts, perfect strawberries, and a poem for one dollar. I love the farmer's market so much here. It happens every Saturday morning and to ice the cake there is also a fantastic bluegrass program on the radio every Saturday morning too so we listen on our way there. It's certainly a slice of heaven.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, gracias a Dios. Ezra has been sleeping so well today, too! Things are coming up Chelsea. Today I laid him down on the floor with some toys to play and then was doing something for a couple minutes and when I looked at him again he was asleep! This is unheard of. Usually it takes at least half hour to coax him to sleepy land. Must be catching up after his marathon day of no sleep.
Since there's no new shots to speak of, I'll post this one from the archives. Remember the chocolate fountain, breakfast buffet? Here's a picture from that morning. This is Ezra and Tom, who not only coordinated their blue jean fashion, but their facial expressions as well.


michael rak said...

too bad about the camera not finding its way home. Nate and I saw a baby at the beach today that looked and sounded a lot like bunsy and was just kicking up a storm. we both decided that we miss the little guy and his amazing personality! You got a statement in the mail from capital one. what would you like me to do with it? It has been very hot here also, three days in a row that we have hit the beach. stay cool, love ya Dad

Unknown said...

Chelsea, when I get a break from school (I have September off), I want to play Apples to Apples with you. I love that game! And, you don't have to supply whiskey to lure me over to play games. I'm sorry you lost your camera!!!

Unknown said...

I play Apples to Apples with the girls and never though of it as a drinking game. Does this mean I am getting old??
