Wednesday, December 5, 2012

As of Late

Above is a sculpture that Ezra made at his school. It is Portland!

He's so proud! (Tho that smile looks fake...)

We housesat for our friend Lisa over Thanksgiving and had good ol' Usiah over for a sleepover!

The boys enjoy a post bath bedtime snack.

The next day we went on The Polar Express! Well, it's Mt. Hood Railroad's version of the Polar Express. Everyone was encouraged to wear their pajamas, hot cocoa was served, we read the book, and got a special visit from Santa. Grandma got to come too!

The boys listening to one of the chefs read the Polar Express.

Here's Santa's workshop! He and some of his elves waved to us and then boarded the train.

It's pretty exciting to see Santa.

Tho Usiah was a little nervous.

What does he want for Christmas? Legos!

What does he want for Christmas? Legos as well!

It was good to get the boys together and take this special trip with Grandma.

Halloween Finally!

Wow it's almost Christmas and I am just getting around to the Halloween post! Sorry. It is a busy time of year. So here's Ezra the ninja and Jupiter the turkey, enjoying the warm Halloween evening free of rain!

Maya the unicorn helps steady the tippy turkey.

And they're off! I actually took a picture of every single house where they trick or treated, but decided against posting them all. You get the idea.

There were some excellent jack-o-lanterns en route. These guys are fun, I especially like the guy in the middle who has lost his pumpkin lunch.

One more porch shot, for good measure.

This shot was taken inside a haunted house that some teenage boys had constructed in their front yard. Ezra loved it and wasn't a bit scared. Me? Yea a little freaked out.

The loot! Organized, counted, ready to consume.

The after party.
