Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Morning at OMSI

A rainy Saturday morning is not the ideal time to go to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). Why? Everyone is there. However, we managed to elbow our way around and have a pretty stinking good time. We went with Ezra's girlfriend, Maya, who is pictured above. She and Ezra (and Big Bird, of course) eagerly chatted about oranges and swimming pools as we drove. It was decided that you should not swim in your clothes and tiny tangerines are amazing. Ezra has been known to eat 6 tiny tangerines in one sitting. Back to OMSI...

This wacky machine basically blows air and/or sucks air through the openings you see. Put the balls in, watch them float up magically. Here's a short video to give you a better idea:

And on to the next activity!

This one turned out a little too flashy, but this is a shallow water basin with a wind machine at the far end. We made some sailboats to examine the power of wind, and got our sleeves very wet as well.

This is a miniature crane but to Ezra it is a car racing track.

There is a Physics lab that is the coolest. These wrenches attached to a big bouncy ball make music when his with a golf ball on a stick mallet! Yes, we are all thinking how we could make one too. The best part of the physics lab is the big, silver make-your-hair-stand-on-end-when-you-touch-it static ball. I was touching the ball and holding Ezra's hand and both of our hair was sticking straight up! I know, why no picture!? That could have been our belated Christmas card shot. Another cool experiment that we did with the static ball was Ezra held some foil pie plates on his hand and when we touched the ball the plates flew from his hand one by one. We were both thoroughly impressed/aghast/mesmerized. How can we make one of those?

This is Samsun the T-Rex. He is new to the museum. Ezra likes him a lot. We've been reading a Curious George book where George climbs on top of a dinosaur when they go to the museum. Ezra would have liked to, but the bones are so slippery, I could barely do it. No picture of my rodeo dinosaur adventure either unfortunately.

Samsun is pretty freaking big. He made me a little nervous. Ezra=cool as a cucumber.

His head would definitely fit in those jaws. Come to think of it his whole body would.

On to the alive, non extinct animals. Here is a Bearded Dragon. He didn't move much. Actually, he didn't even blink! Ezra's favorite in the live animal lab was the rat. It was running on the wheel. Do we need a pet rat?

On to the insanely crowded and chaotic Science Playground portion of OMSI. Similar to the other air blowing/sucking ball machine, this one sucks the ball in and up. Grandpa could probably make us one of these...

Swimmin' in balls. Life has never been better.

This part is fun, water water everywhere. I surely appreciate the smocks provided. Ezra is really into octopi lately, and in the above video he finds not one but two! Allowing us an opportunity to practice the irregular plural. See what I mean about it being a little hectic in there???

And finally, the ever popular Earth Quake house. The plan was for all of us to dance for the video, but Big Bird and I were the only ones who ended up feeling the groove.

Both Ezra and Maya fell asleep on the ride home from all that fun and excitement! We certainly couldn't do it every weekend, but it sure is fun every once in awhile. Thanks Aunt and Uncle for the year membership! It is such a treat.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The People in Our Neighborhood

Our Sesame Street collection is growing. Many of you may have seen Ezra's larger than life Big Bird. He was very obsessed with Big Bird for awhile there, insisting to give the Bird his meals, taking him on outings (I always ended up carrying him, and I do not need another thing to carry as a matter of fact), and putting him on the potty. These said activities leave Big Bird very dirty, and sometimes I can't do laundry/don't want to do laundry every time Birdman accidentally dips into the toilet water. Enter Ernie.

Ernie actually belongs to our neighbor, Ruby. The pink stroller also belongs to Ruby. We hijacked the two of them after a play date on Saturday. He wouldn't leave without them, and Ruby is very gracious. I thought it would just be a temporary thing, but after watching his devoted fathering of Ernie today, I plan to procure an Ernie complete with stroller ASAP.

Today he put Ernie in the stroller and pushed him around to go to sleep. Then he put Ernie in bed and read him books. And on and on all day. He even went so far as to fetch Ernie a rubber duckie from the bath toys as he had recalled Ernie's penchant for ducks. It's adorable. Here he buckles Ernie in for another spin around the house:

This is quite possibly one of the first photos where Ezra was actually posing. Usually he sees the camera and he wants to hold the camera so that's the end of the shot. I have to be sneaky. But for this one he even blurted out 'cheese'. Must be Ernie's influence.

Finally here's a video of Ezra and Ernie. I'm not sure where he got it from exactly, but he likes to push Ernie in the stroller and pretend that they're going to the airport so that they can go on a plane. He did it at least a half a dozen times this evening. He put Ernie in and then said "Bye bye Mama" and gave me a kiss and a very genuine hug. Then he and Ernie would round the corner (fly on the airplane) and the next time I saw them they were headed out again. Where are they going on the plane? I'm not sure.

Here I captured a shot of the hug before he left with Ernie.

I don't know if they'll let you on the plane like that Bucko...

* * *
Here's one last bonus shot of Ezra and one of his most favorite people, Nikkie. This shot was taken at our good friends Gabe and Koali's engagement party. Ezra had fun and then slept through a rockin' dance party. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Book Worm

When Ezra is on his own and things are a little too quiet, I get worried. In the past it has meant toilet paper unraveled, chapstick all over his teeth, or a venture into the fireplace leaving him covered in soot.
Lately it's been quite a bit more pleasant. When things seem too quiet, I can make out a little voice reciting memorized words from favorite literary selections.

Or turning them into hats.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Five Senses Friday!

Five Senses Friday is an idea I got from Abby (see her wonderful blog to the left). I have only done it once before, but it is a nice time to sit and reflect on all of the different sensory experiences I have had in the past week and share them with you!

Seeing: Neolithic Chinese Bronze Vessels
(I'm taking a class: The History of Chinese Art)

This adorable little tripod vessel was used to heat food and as ceremonial serving ware.

Called a Gu, this is a wine cup. There have been many Gus discovered by archeologists, and they are most often found in sets of 4 or 8. They were made from bronze, which has a high lead concentration. Some Emperors drank a lot of wine from these cups, and there is thought to be connection between short dynasties and the effects of lead on one's mind.

My personal favorite: the Zun vessel. My professor described the Zun as the "Chinese version of the bucket." This is the most beautiful bucket I have ever seen.

Hearing: Ezra saying three and four syllable words! That's it, he's a genius. Examples from his repertoire are...



(Just today he started to say Caterpillar)

my sore eyes. I think my rubbing them is making them worse. I have been doing a lot of reading this week and I am wondering if I should get some glasses. I have always secretly wanted glasses, and in the 2nd grade I almost fooled the optometrist into a proscription. I think I would like one of these styles:

Smelling: the patchouli sage bar of soap my dear mother gave me for Christmas. I have been using it everyday. I love hand made soap so.

(Soap carving!)

coffee. I never drink coffee. This week I have drank a cup a day. Just one. I don't know how I feel about it yet. I don't want to be addicted to coffee. I don't think I am. Yet.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ezra had Maya over the other night to watch some Classic Sesame Street, following a nice bubble bath. Notice their matching red pajamas. No he did not put the moves on.

Here Ezra delights in a mint cookie, as he often does since I started rewarding him for using the potty with mint cookies. When he gets a cookie he always insists that I have a cookie too. Little sweetie. Good thing I've started going to the gym this term.

And finally here's a little video of Ezra being funny in the bathroom earlier this evening.
I had never thought of using a toothbrush the way he does...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas In Minnesota

These pictures were taken by my very talented brother in law during our stay in Minnesota this past Christmas. They're a little out of order, but capture most of what we filled our time with: eating, playing, going outside, and coming back in.

I really liked to sit on counter tops when I was young too.

Grandpa's cooking up some of his famous pancakes in the background.

Ezra samples one fresh off the flipper.

The second course: an egg over easy,

A little coloring to digest.

Out on Lost Lake gathering pine boughs to make Christmas wreaths.

Wreath workshop.

Dido, the horse made by Grandpa that still seriously rocks.

Peekaboo at Grandma's.

Ready, set, jump on Mama at Grandma's.

Tunnel at Grandma's.

Lunch: Grandma's house style.

Finding what's interesting in Grandma's shed.

And sealing the deal: he's the cutest. Ever.

Auntie showing Ezra some new tricks.
