Saturday, November 16, 2013

Halloween, Lantern & Ezra's New Passion

Ezra, his friend Liam, and I collaborated on our costumes this year. I never got  a good shot of us all together unfortunately, but on the car ride over you can see Darth and his Stormtrooper (sort of).

I was Princess Leia. Too bad you can't see my blaster, it was sweet!

This was the jack-o-lantern of my design, a little goofy I admit.

And this was of Ezra's design. A side note, I just composted both of them and Ezra's was full of water and dead slugs. I guess they preferred his.

After trick or treating he organized his loot. It was a pretty good haul in as you can see. Grand total: 136. He said he doesn't want to eat any though, he just wants to keep accumulating more and more every year. This sense of responsibility is impressive, yet I wonder where he gets it from.

At school Ezra made this lantern and there was a lantern walk where all the students gathered at a park to sing songs and walk around the park with their lit lanterns. I had really wanted to go, but was unfortunately to ill to make it. Ezra did a mini lantern walk in front of our house.

Lantern detail.

Here's Ezra's new passion: rock climbing! Surprise, surprise, he's a natural.

Side note: he's also wearing his latest favorite outfit. Dinosaur hoodie compliments of Grandpa and blue velour pants compliments of the free clothes swap at my university.


In those velour pants he flies down this slide!
