Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Let it be known!

I have named Ezra's Godparents, it hath be proclaimed here in blogland.

Ezra's Godmother will be none other than the gorgeous and talented

Marla Sanvick!

For his Godfather I have selected the very graceful and attentive

Jack Moebius!

Yes I do wish I had a better one of Marla, no I don't know what she's doing. Both accepted their duty and are prepared to buy Ezra lots of stuff. And take over in case of my passing. By the way if you were wondering, yes Jack's ancestry does have something to do with the Moebius Strip. We will have some sort of baptism ceremony whenever Marla dear gets her tukus out here for a visit. (Anybody know who to spell tukus?)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sea Horses?

Ezra and me and the moose. This picture was taken by my lovely mother in the information center at Deep Portage nature reserve in Hackensack, Minnesota. We took a walk along the sensory awareness trail and saw maples turning, lichen on trees the size of dinner plates, and a very attractive man carving a spoon from a piece of wood. What splendor.

Down to business: I need your help!

Remember how I said I am taking an Oceanography class? Well, I have a course project that involves compiling news articles relating to oceans. I would forever be grateful if you would keep an eye out for noteworthy oceanic news and send me a link or even a clipping via snail mail if possible. The instructor specifically noted that he did not want a bunch of internet print outs.

In my other class, Fossil Record, I also have a course project to be working on. In this course I will be researching the origin and evolution of horses. Once again, anything noteworthy you may come across would be greatly appreciated.

Today was such a beautiful day here in Portland, in the 90's! I am so content breathing sunshine. I've got all the windows open and very happy feet. Hope the sun is shining for you : )

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here is a shot of Ezra with his honorary train Grandpa. This kindly gentleman sat behind us and held Ezra while I went to the bathroom and the like. I would just hold Ezra up to peer over the seat and he would lift him up and over. It was a nice little system. There was also a very sweet couple, Ezra's honorary train Aunt and Uncle, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture. We sure do come across some lovely folks.

Yes, we have made our way back to the West, I am happy to report. We had a very lovely, relaxing time in Minnesota. I for one feel quite rejuvenated. I read some good books, the first being What is the What, by Dave Eggers, which is an autobiography of a Sudanese Lost Boy. Touching, sad, and engaging I recommend it. The second was the classic by Pearl Buck, The Good Earth. I really enjoyed this book and read it in only a few sittings. It's a page turner about life in China in the early 1900's. On the train ride home I started reading Eat, Pray, Love, by an author who's name I can't remember and the book is in my bedroom next to the sleeping prince so I'm not going to check but I like it. You see it everywhere. It's a funny, quirky memoir in the vain of Anne Lamott. Desperately personal with a lively sense of humor. I'm not reading it quite as fast as the others, however.

That could have something to do with being back in the city where there's just too much to do. Today Bunsy and I were out and about nearly all day. Coffee with Kate and Usiah, picnic with Yola and Dovey, downtown with Jason (no baby), go go go. There was an Art Walk too that was on the list of things to do but Sweetums was losing his patience. Sure enough, we got home, into our pajamas and snuggled up in bed and he was happy as a clam and fell easily into a deep slumber. So precious, I can't say it enough.

I found a job! It's a job I have held before actually and they want me back. It's a toy store/children's boutique called Grasshopper that's about 12 blocks from my house. Super convenient. I am not 100% sure but I think I'll be working short shifts Monday and Wednesday. I haven't gotten the whole child care situation for sured, but I won't be starting until the first week in October so I've got a little time to figure it out. It pains me to think of being away from Ezra for any amount of time but it is quite minimal really and I've got to do what I've got to do. Unless any of you have come upon some money and don't know what to do with it...

I start taking online classes this coming week. I am looking forward to Oceanography and Fossil Record, the History of Life. They are both Geology classes. These will be my first in this area. I found the text books for super cheap too. With job and school I won't be able to do all this lolly gagging. Nor relax. I'm torn as to which to do.

I did relax some yesterday. We went over to the soaking pool at a local hotel/restaraunt/cinema. It's the size of half a tennis court and outdoors. It's so lovely. Ezra loved the bubbles. We soaked until we were thoroughly pruned.

Just a mini update, updatito you may say. I added some blogs to the top there, one is my clever brother in law Jeffrey, the next is my mom's best friend Beth's son Davin's who is currently living in Japan teaching English, and the third is the quick witted Molly who has all the latest politco mumbo expertly arranged. And other news of her Chicago life of course. So very worth checking out indeed.

Take care all. I go join the Tumpkins. I leave you with this shot of his chubbalicious legs and adorable shoes that now fit him. (Thanks Auntie Marla.)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Photo Feast, plus Video Bonus(es)

Here is the promised crop of shots from our time here in Minnesota. We have had a wonderful, relaxing visit. It is so quiet and serene. The food is delicious as well.

Ezra in the old high chair that Raia and I used when we were younguns. Here Ez sucks on a tomato. Deliciously fresh from the farm.

Contemplating dessert.

Enjoying a little nudie butt session with Gramma.

Whisked away to Grandpa's garden, here Ezra poses with a HUGE tomato.

Dirty little hands and knobby carrots.

Enough with the pictures.

Farmer Ez takes a nap between the peas and the sweet corn.

Bright and bushy tailed he takes to Grandpa's old truck.

His apple tree has grown at least 5 inches! Here he scales the fence with Grandpa's assistence. Saidie the Dalmation looks on.

He loves his swing under the old Oak tree.

We even got to attend a football game of my brother Nathan! Ezra liked watching the game enough, but I sense his tastes will lie in more refined activities, such as dance and chess.

Seventh grade boys are funny.

He loves my sunglasses.

Back at Grandpa's house, taking a break in the sink.

He likes it in there. It's a great little play pen that allows me to do my business.

Away we went back to Grandma's, where it was finally warm enough for Tumpky to wear shorts and hang out on the deck with Grams. I know it's fuzzy but he so rarely smiles for the camera I'm posting this one. The deer in the headlights look is a common one, as exhibited here:

He loves the farm. It makes noise. We're leaving this one at Gram's.

Again on the deck, showing off his new red corduroy overalls.

Here's the bonus videos: the first shows his screeching and the second his fondness for chicken bones.

One last very cool note: my awesomely generous, totally talented, football extrodinaire bro is lending me his camera! May there never be picture doldrums again.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pardonnez moi

Sorry about that pink. I hear combined with the red shirt, crying baby face it was a little abrasive. Your calming dots are back.

We are here in Minnesota, after a 32 hour train ride. We got in this morning at 5 o'clock. Everything went very well, Ezra loved smiling at all the people and they loved smiling back. I had several comments that his precious presence made the trip easier and more enjoyable. I ought to contact Amtrak about complimentary trips, for the joy of everyone.

Ezra has definitely developed a love for attention. He would stare at people and if they didn't look back at him he started making his high pitched screeching noises until they looked. Then he'd shoot them the killer smile and the deal was sealed. He has also started begging. There was a couple eating potato chips and he was staring at the chips, moving from the bag to their crunching mouths. It didn't work, with those big cheeks it's pretty clear he's not wasting away.

We are enjoying being in the North again, even though it's a grey day today.

There's a camera here so I plan to have a photo shoot later today. An expo coming up promptly!

There's not spell check on this computer so all my mistakes aren't underlined in red. Sorry for those irritated by these. Perhaps it will make you feel smarter to go through and correct them.
I used to be a good speller... I remember vaguely.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Low Key

Here's a photo left from the days of photo taking! The berry picking day, remember? He had grown tired of the huaraches at this point. They are darling, a gift from Karla in Guatemala, but not so ergonomic.

He is changing a lot, everyday. His hair is getting much thicker and he is sitting up so well! We went to a restaurant and he sat in a high chair for the first time. I was just holding him on my lap like I always do and a woman came up to me and asked me if the restaurant didn't have high chairs. I told her I was certain they did have high chairs but that Ezra wasn't ready to sit in one. She eyed him up and down and remarked she thought he was ready. Sure enough, I strapped him in and he is a professional. It looked like he'd been doing it for years. He is also getting much more alert and interactive. I can make him giggle now which is adorable.

We are going to MN for a visit next week and Ma's got a camera so I will be able to post some long overdue pictures, maybe even a video of his darling hardy har har. I am looking forward to the lake and the family. I will try to get some serious writing done with all the baby helpers afoot.

Lately we've been taking it easy some and going out and about some too. On Tuesday I had 5 friends over for a breakfast potluck that was really fun. The 5 were all folks I had taught with down in Honduras so we had a lot to catch up about. Then we biked all over town, to Powell's downtown (the largest most fantastic book store EVER), then over to south east for lunch, then across town again to a park where we played badminton (Nikkie and Koali proved victorious), then to gelato and finally home. We were out on the town for 8 hours! Bunsy held up so well, sleeping while I biked and loving being such a social butterfly. He wore his new Santa suit and got many compliments.

The next few days we have been considerably more low key. Today we just went to the library, to the park, and did the laundry. I hung everything outside which pleases me so. The rains will come so I am just trying to enjoy every last gleam of sunshine. This weekend we don't have too many plans, a bbq on Sunday and a kombucha lesson. We might have a date on Saturday. I don't know what you'll think but I went ahead and posted an ad on Craigslist. I have gotten so many responses! It's fun to just delete these men like, no, I don't like how many times you used the word friggun. So there's like 3 that I am in correspondence with. Don't worry, public places only, during the day, I'll be careful. It's funny too, a lot of them sent their myspace page link which makes the picture oh so clear. If you don't have myspace it's basically a very open window to you, your friends, and your friends friends.

We'll see what happens won't we? I like a date, I think. It's been awhile. I think I'll bring Bunny. He's a good buffer.
