Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New Habits

We are spending a lot of time at the beach, or at least that's the only place I seem to take any pictures. We always go to the same beach and sit under this pier.

After playing in the sand and surf we go up to the pier and Ezra gets an ice cream.

Then we take some pictures of ourselves, displaying various facial expressions.

Not a bad routine, although we probably should check out another beach one of these days (and curb the ice cream habit, of course).

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Where Are We Then?

Florida! It's a long story, but we ended up in Venice, Florida where we are staying at Mom & Rick's darling house, they are so generous and kind. It is in a lovely spot only 3 miles from the beach. We go there often. And Ezra's routine is as follows:

Buried in sand.

Emerge from sand.

Make way to water and rinse off (some) sand.


He also likes to pester the seagulls. Which is fine because they do a lot of pestering.

Florida sunset. Not bad.


Two Month Limit

For whatever reason between this year and last year Ezra and I seem to have a two month limit as to how long we can be in Guatemala. This year it came down to money mostly, as much as I hate it you really do need it to do stuff. So here is a little collection of photos from the last week or two of our time there.

Guatemala is so very mountainous and lovely.


Cristian and his mother, Ezra's abuelita. (Don't you love Cristain's curly unicorn?)

Droofy, the one kitten that we chose to keep of the original six. He sleeps, a lot.

We bought our milk fresh every morning from the neighbors who had milking cows. Ezra drank and drank and drank the milk. Classy moustache.

The turtle came to check things out.

Watch out! He says he's a fish superhero!

Here are the kittens right before we gifted them to the neighbors, who by the way were fighting over them. Everybody thought that they were angora, even though they are not, and for this reason every one wanted one, two, or three. Apparently you can sell angora cats here because the people who live in the mountains eat them. Sorry kitties.

Ezra loved being in the hammock and spent a lot of time there. We will miss you Guatemala.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hair ut

Here's one last picture of the boy with the shag/Beiber do.

And here with his new, unfortunately somewhat military, hair cut! He also has some strange orange substance on his face...

Oh it must be from the Cheeto puffs. Yep. McDonald's and Cheetos. Yikes!

And here's the other thing that he's doing now, sitting in my clothes hamper on the sidewalk in front of our house.

Boys in Blue

He gets so dirty so fast!

Old McDonalds

I think we go to Mcdonalds too much. It's different here though, it's a classy joint.
