Monday, August 25, 2008

Fateful Day

Here's a photo tour from the archives. These were taken the day I met Ezra's father, Cristian. Some friends had a picnic up on a mountain near a lake. There was a huge Ceiba tree I climbed to watch the boys cook me lunch. They joked the only reason they'd invited me was so I could prepare the food. Ha. It was a typical feast, beans, meat, onions, peppers, cheese, avocados, and tortillas. With watermelon for desert. I remember wondering how they were going to cut up the watermelon because we hadn't brought any knives. I had my answer when they broke the thing open on a rock. It was very cave man.
Cristian and I didn't say one word to each other the whole day, just little smiles here and there. It must have been the red bandana.

Here's Otto Pablo, me, Duglas, and Cristian on the way to the lake. In the background is Chiquimula, Guatemala, the city where we lived.

This is my tree perch where I avoided getting my hands dirty.

Here we feast, with Otto Pablo on the right, the larger man with no shirt is Guanaco (a nickname for people from El Salvador, his real name is Ricardo), Cristian, Duglas and me.

This is the only picture I have of Cristian smiling.. In the background left you see his prized motorcycle.

The five of us on our way home. It's strange to think of all the events in our lives that lead us to where we are, who we are, and what we have. The only reason I was invited to this picnic was because the night before I had been robbed and Otto Pablo wanted to treat me, to show me that in Guatemala there is more than just thieves.
I haven't heard from most of these guys since leaving. Guanaco, the one furthest left, came to the U.S. illegally and lives in L.A., working at a taco bell. I spoke with him once. Otto Pablo and Duglas I haven't heard from. Cristian hasn't called in awhile. I'm so dramatic, my mind always gets carried away thinking I will never hear from him again, or he died or lost his memory.
I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, Ezra will like seeing these pictures when he's older.

I had an eventful weekend that I will have to recap for you later. A little teaser, I spent Saturday night at Johnny Cash's daughter's house. I know!

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