Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February Bits

So I've been struggling with Ezra's hair since November. I tried to give him a haircut and I totally butchered it. Then we went to a lady to cut it and she just didn't blend it. I took matters into my own hands, went to Sally Beauty, and bought a friggin clippers. Now I never have to worry about his hair again! This picture is right before I got my buzz on.

Here's an after shot at the science museum. He insisted upon keeping the tail, which is getting long and delightfully curly. At least everything's blended and it's not driving me nuts anymore.

Speaking of driving me nuts! He has to stick stickers immediately upon receiving them on whatever is closest, even if that means my face.

Today we adopted these two cuties! Their names are Beaver (on the right) and Springy (on the left). They are very well behaved and tomorrow we're going to make them a little play structure. Love them Kiwi Crates!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday in the Gorge

We started things off with some cinnamon rolls & scrambled eggs.

Then we went to Crown Point Vista House.

It was overcast, but still pretty inspiring.

Then we went to a waterfall that I've never been to, called Latourell Falls. There was a path that led behind the waterfall, but Ezra chickened out half way. We would have gotten pretty wet anyhow.

 I am mesmerized by the patterns in the rock.

Ezra is mesmerized with piggy back rides and grouchy faces.

Our hands, feet, and tiny pinecones.

Can you find Ezra? He is quite camoflauged.

He loved it. I swear.
