Friday, August 29, 2008

A Special Present

We have been:

I. riding a bike! Ezra loves it. He moves his arms and legs widely when he sees the banana seat. I strap him on my back and he peers over my shoulder with a big, gummy grin. He fell asleep even! The true test.
I am happy because for the past two weeks he would only stay asleep if my boob was in his mouth. At least this is something physically engaging I can do and he'll snooze.

II. swimming in the neighborhood pool! Very nice, refreshing, relaxing, and Ezra loves it. He kicks and gurgles.

III. thinking about introducing Ezra as Diego just to see what happens! I have been getting some feedback lately that folks are finding him to be more Diego than Ezra... I will conduct this experiment.

IV. reading What is the What by Dave Eggers! Very sad, but good.

V. making mix tapes for our trip to Eugene! My friend has a tape deck so I am taking the opportunity to make some music medleys. I haven't done this in a long time and forgot how long it takes. So much more labor intensive than the old disc burn. In the olden days it seemed the longer it took to do something the better the result was automatically. I don't think this holds true any longer. Still making the mixes.

VI. still folding origami cranes! Making a mobile, putting the final touches on our room.

VII. waiting for a not gorgeous day to take ourselves to a matinee to see Woody Allen's latest film! Everyday, sunshine, I'm never going to get there.

VII. forgetting how the roman numerals go...

IX. like that?

X. going to bed, wishing I could attach a photo for your pleasure but the archives are dry.

Here, I scrounged this one for you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Another archive shot. This was taken by Molly at Hidden Beach the day we left Minnesota. Joe holds Bunny, I squish his cheekies.
There just must be a picture, mustn't there? Anyway...

Yes, Johnny Cash's daughter. No, not the famous one. Yes, it is a lovely house with a huge backyard complete with jacuzzi, huge white pines and doug fir trees, a creek and chickens. The ladies laid 3 eggs while we were there. It was very amusing to see family photos with Johnny sat in the middle, next to June of course. My favorite picture was one of Johnny in a photo booth, you know the kind with four pictures in black and white. The first of the four he snarls at the camera, with greased hair and a pencil thin mustache clinging to his upper lip. The second picture is of his belly, with his cavernous belly button right in the center. The third is a profile shot of his belly, and the fourth a profile shot of his face. I took a picture of it with my phone but can't seem to figure out how to email it to myself so as to post it on the blog.

Very fun indeed.

It's been a packed week already, and it's only Tuesday! On Monday I attended a water aerobics class that was awesome. Yes, there were quite a few older gals. It was such a good, fun work out. My favorite part was kicking hard so as to splash the instructor. She encouraged us by saying we could get back at her for being so bossy. My wonderful friend Lauren took care of Tumpky and we think we may make it a regular gig. It sounded like they had a great time looking at books, going for walks and singing along to Stereolab. Getting good exercise feels great for me too.

After the class we were swooped up by Kate and Usiah to the Oregon State Fair. It is much smaller than the Minnesota Fair, but this also means it's less crowded and crazy. It was very low key and relaxing with a nice photography exhibit, pony shows, beautiful pheasants, Chinese acrobats and glass blowing demonstrations. Ezra really liked it and could hardly blink from all the blinking, twinkling rides. We played the flip the duck game and won a yellow crayon. We didn't eat too much, there weren't any cheese curds nor pronto pups. Elephant ears yes but at 6 bucks a pop I skipped it. Same with the funnel cakes. I had a twist cone from the dairy barn. We wanted to take the boys on the ferris wheel but the babes weren't allowed. We'll have to wait a few years for that one.

Today I finally got my birthday massage from my dear friend Lisa. She rubs so good. I was in heaven.

I am so thankful for my wonderful friends! They really take care of me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fateful Day

Here's a photo tour from the archives. These were taken the day I met Ezra's father, Cristian. Some friends had a picnic up on a mountain near a lake. There was a huge Ceiba tree I climbed to watch the boys cook me lunch. They joked the only reason they'd invited me was so I could prepare the food. Ha. It was a typical feast, beans, meat, onions, peppers, cheese, avocados, and tortillas. With watermelon for desert. I remember wondering how they were going to cut up the watermelon because we hadn't brought any knives. I had my answer when they broke the thing open on a rock. It was very cave man.
Cristian and I didn't say one word to each other the whole day, just little smiles here and there. It must have been the red bandana.

Here's Otto Pablo, me, Duglas, and Cristian on the way to the lake. In the background is Chiquimula, Guatemala, the city where we lived.

This is my tree perch where I avoided getting my hands dirty.

Here we feast, with Otto Pablo on the right, the larger man with no shirt is Guanaco (a nickname for people from El Salvador, his real name is Ricardo), Cristian, Duglas and me.

This is the only picture I have of Cristian smiling.. In the background left you see his prized motorcycle.

The five of us on our way home. It's strange to think of all the events in our lives that lead us to where we are, who we are, and what we have. The only reason I was invited to this picnic was because the night before I had been robbed and Otto Pablo wanted to treat me, to show me that in Guatemala there is more than just thieves.
I haven't heard from most of these guys since leaving. Guanaco, the one furthest left, came to the U.S. illegally and lives in L.A., working at a taco bell. I spoke with him once. Otto Pablo and Duglas I haven't heard from. Cristian hasn't called in awhile. I'm so dramatic, my mind always gets carried away thinking I will never hear from him again, or he died or lost his memory.
I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, Ezra will like seeing these pictures when he's older.

I had an eventful weekend that I will have to recap for you later. A little teaser, I spent Saturday night at Johnny Cash's daughter's house. I know!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Three for Four

Howdy doodles. It is a fine Friday evening here in Portland and I really should be out doing something rather than clicking away inside so I'll make this short.
First news is I finished my online class and received an A! Hooray!
Second, Bunny rolled over from back to stomach multiple times!
Third, Bunsy has also removed his diaper once!

Fourth I bought a camera off ebay and I got it yesterday and the danged thing doesn't work.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cocktails Shmocktails

Well, still no sign of that weaselly camera. I have found one on ebay for $5. There's another day to the bidding so here's hoping no one else wants it.
I don't have much experience with buying things in the internet auction forum. The only exception was when I arranged for my grandfather, who doesn't do the web, to purchase some glasses with flashlights attached to either side through ebay. That was a little different though because I don't think anyone else was remotely interested in the glasses.
It was another scorcher today, freaking 102. I went to the pool with the roomies and Ezra. He loves it. He kicks and blows raspberries on my shoulder. I even got him some new swim suits, one boring blue and the other purple with hawaiian flowers. So fantastic.
Tomorrow we're going to a church I've heard about from some friends. It's across town so we'll take the bus. I'm looking to expand my circle. I need some spiritual folks. My current pals are fine but a little too drinky drinky if you know what I mean. For example last night Kate and I wanted to play an awesome game called Apples to Apples and we invited 5 or so people over. We called it Game Night. No one came! Not one. Just the two of us couldn't play so it was a wash. We had a fine time just the two of us but then today I was irked to hear some of the same people are getting together to play Apples to Apples tonight, but under the heading of a Cocktail Party. So I've got to buy a bottle of whiskey to get friends over? Plus, if you haven't played it, the game is so good a buzz isn't necessary.
At least I'm eating great food. We went to the farmer's market this morning and I bought gorgeous produce including a white cantaloupe that tastes like papaya. I also purchased zucchini, sweet corn, hazelnuts, perfect strawberries, and a poem for one dollar. I love the farmer's market so much here. It happens every Saturday morning and to ice the cake there is also a fantastic bluegrass program on the radio every Saturday morning too so we listen on our way there. It's certainly a slice of heaven.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, gracias a Dios. Ezra has been sleeping so well today, too! Things are coming up Chelsea. Today I laid him down on the floor with some toys to play and then was doing something for a couple minutes and when I looked at him again he was asleep! This is unheard of. Usually it takes at least half hour to coax him to sleepy land. Must be catching up after his marathon day of no sleep.
Since there's no new shots to speak of, I'll post this one from the archives. Remember the chocolate fountain, breakfast buffet? Here's a picture from that morning. This is Ezra and Tom, who not only coordinated their blue jean fashion, but their facial expressions as well.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This is how we're feeling today.
Anybody sick of hearing about all the good things? Well here's some crappy news then: I lost my freaking camera. Even more irritating, I lost it in my house I'm pretty sure. It's driving me insane. I have looked everywhere. I tell people this and they say "How about under the furniture?" I'm telling you, EVERYWHERE. I can somehow feel it's presence, I know it's close, but I still can't find it. I wish I could call it.
I'm really stuck about it. It's really bumming me out. You know how much I like to take pictures and make movies of Bunsy.
I am loosing hope.
To ice the cake Ezra will not sleep today. I took him to the pool to wear him out. Nope. Walked to the co-op. Nope. Lay down with him, snore, let him nurse for exaggerated lengths of time. Nope.
One more pissy party factor: today's temperature reached 102.
All I want is to make movies of sleeping babies in 70 degree temperature. Please.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fancy, full weekend

I am so incredibly happy to report we have unpacked! Ezra went ahead and celebrated by eating his feet after a bath. He is wearing his lovely bear towel. It was so nice to wake up this morning to all my things in order, clothes hung up rather than in a pile. The only negative is that Bunsy seems to have grown out of 70% of his clothes in the three weeks they were packed! I brought bigger clothes too so don't worry, he's not wearing his bear towel around town, but I did go through and make a huge bag to pass on to the next little dumpling.

The house is very chill, clean and calm. Also there are many willing baby handlers! There is not however, internet access just yet, so this won't be as long as I'd like. We had a wonderful weekend, Saturday was spent moving and unpacking. The moving part didn't take long as we only moved across the street. The unpacking took longer but luckily my train friend Nikkie came over and coddled the Bunson while I worked to organize it all.

On Sunday we went out to brunch to a place called Salty's. The restaurant is here in Portland, on the Columbia River. On the weekends they have an all you can eat, all you can drink buffet that includes every kind of breakfast food you can imagine. There was an omelet bar where they made you any kind of omelet you wanted, belgium waffles with toppings ranging from blueberries to white chocolate, king crab legs, blackened salmon, benedicts, torts, prime rib, seafood chowder, and, as pictured below, a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN! (It keeps flipping the wrong way, I'm sorry it's like that, I have lost my patience, you're just going to need to turn your head, or laptop.) The jean suit Ezra is sporting is one of the outfits he grew out of, so unfortunate that he only got to wear this once. It's so Elvis mechanic sheik.
I had two plates of food and felt uncomfortable in the car ride home. It was certainly a splurge. I don't want to go back for awhile. We went with Kate, Usiah, Tom, and Laurie and then met up with some other friends randomly there. There were also bottomless mimosas and bloody mary's, which I didn't take advantage of but looking quite... refreshing.

After the morning of gluttony we went back to the homestead and took a long nap. Let the calories settle, right. Then my good friend Lisa came and swooped us away to Sauvie Island, a lovely farm refuge about 20 minutes out of town. We were going berry picking so I dressed bunsy in this adorable outfit. Have you ever seen more perfect berry picking duds? No, you have not.

We picked peaches first. The trees were heavy with perfectly ripe fruit. I ate as I picked and both Ezra and I were sticky with peach juice by the end of it.

Next we went to the blueberry patch that was a bit more sparse. I guess the season's just about through. We found some for our bucket and even more for our mouths. I wanted to make sure it was a good blueberry before I committed to putting it in my bucket but then after the tasting it was gone. A difficult but tasty cycle. Here's a parting shot of Ezra and I posing in the blueberry bushes. I didn't notice at the time but Ezra is actually picking a blueberry in the shot! He knows.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What We Did Today: A Photo Tour

Bunsy started the morning with a nudey butt session whilst basking in the soft morning light.

For lunch I had a delightful hummus platter, of which Ezra enjoyed a sampling. Little of which made it past his chunkalicious cheeks. He especially likes sucking on carrots, cucumbers, honey dew, and watermelon. My little filthy treasure indeed.

What to do with such a filthy boy? Throw him in the sink! It was an especially warm day so I left him in there for a half hour or so to keep cool. Turn on the water and he bathes himself. He is getting so independent.

We went out for the National Get Out of The House Day with friends Kate and Usiah. There were free hot dogs, chips, pop, belly dancers and a funk group. There was also a table where you could construct hats such as these so the boys got all done up.

Usiah was particularly taken by the belly dancers. He is fascinated by shiny things, so those gyrating hips laden with sparkle were a big hit. A door knob gets his attention so this was quite a reeling experience.

They are quite the pair. Right now they are usually happy to see each other but rarely get past trying to poke one anothers eyes out.

There you have it! August 8th, 2008: Case closed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Free of Conflict

Here darling pumpky wumpky is with dear old Uncle Alex. My apologies for the blog doldrum, we were visiting some friends on the Oregon coast foDon't you love the tunic?r the past few days. The town is called Yachats. Roll that around your brain, how do you think it would be pronounced? Yeah chats? Yak hats? Oh no. You'll never guess, just give up now.
It is indeed: Yah hots. (Yah like how the Canadians say it.)

Five folks currently live in a farm house on 96 acres in this quaint see town. There are cows and one chicken (named Lonely) and gardens galore. We ate wonderful vegetables freshly picked. I love gardens for that, not only are there always vegetables to eat you feel like you have to keep up with the garden and eat more and more veggies. So tasty.

Notable happenings of our trip: croquet game on the beach (Alex won), fresh tuna and home made sushi rolls, a three hour hike up a mountain, listening to records, a whiskey fountain, and the calm quiet I've been missing since moving to the big city. I had a great time and look forward to our next visit.

More good news: we found a place to hang our hats! Home sweet home has found us at last and funny enough it's the same home I called my own the last time I lived in Portland. We'll be living in the same room even, which is a little strange but it works. I think we'll be moving in sometime next week. So if anyone has my old address on Killingsworth that is where you can find me once again.

More new news, I have a CELL PHONE now. I know, iz crazy. E-mail me for the number if you want to call. I really like it. Leaving the house and making phone calls is such a luxury. I feel like I have joined the world. There are no pay phones anymore and if there are they cost fracking 50 cents. Nah ah.

Some updates about school, I am almost done with my online class, Gender and Development. I have really enjoyed it and am excited to take more classes Fall term. I'll still be sticking exclusively to online classes so as to enjoy my bundle of wonder. Next term my potential classes are: Gossip and Shop Talk (study of different forms of communication), Grammar and The Sentence (I don't know why but I am intrigued...), and Peace History. All are currently full actually and I am relying on the teachers to grant me permission to overflow their courses. Cross your eyelashes please. It worked so well for the writing class.

Speaking of which that's going pretty well. I am having some difficulty cracking the formula of bam bam children's story. In so few words so much must happen. I am not used to being frugal with words. Clearly. Also, the conflict is so important according to my teacher. Most of my tales are more like a lolligaggle through some entertaining woods with a little hilarious sprinkled in. My teacher keeps stressing that I need a more important conflicts, more to be at stake. I am trying to remember my favorite books when I was a kid and I don't really recall that much conflict par say. Blueberries for Sal, what was the conflict there again? The bear? Goodnight Moon, not such a conflict. Harold and the Purple Crayon? Harold just drew his heart out, not to save his grandmother's life, not to make the tennis team, not to outrun the tropical storm. Hmph. I will take it for what it's worth, even though I am not feeling right now that the kind of story that will earn my instructor's approval will necessarily be a good story.

And last but not least the Ezra Darling update: he is sleeping, soundly, like an angel. He is getting much better at sitting up and can sit on his own for approx 30 seconds to a minute before he teeters over which is really quite cute to watch. He is babbling more, words that sound like dada actually. Mama I tell him over and over again. His shrill shrieks continue. Once at the farm someone stopped by and heard Ezra's shrieking and thought there was a new parakeet in the house.

Here's a video to give you a better idea.
