Sunday, January 24, 2010

The People in Our Neighborhood

Our Sesame Street collection is growing. Many of you may have seen Ezra's larger than life Big Bird. He was very obsessed with Big Bird for awhile there, insisting to give the Bird his meals, taking him on outings (I always ended up carrying him, and I do not need another thing to carry as a matter of fact), and putting him on the potty. These said activities leave Big Bird very dirty, and sometimes I can't do laundry/don't want to do laundry every time Birdman accidentally dips into the toilet water. Enter Ernie.

Ernie actually belongs to our neighbor, Ruby. The pink stroller also belongs to Ruby. We hijacked the two of them after a play date on Saturday. He wouldn't leave without them, and Ruby is very gracious. I thought it would just be a temporary thing, but after watching his devoted fathering of Ernie today, I plan to procure an Ernie complete with stroller ASAP.

Today he put Ernie in the stroller and pushed him around to go to sleep. Then he put Ernie in bed and read him books. And on and on all day. He even went so far as to fetch Ernie a rubber duckie from the bath toys as he had recalled Ernie's penchant for ducks. It's adorable. Here he buckles Ernie in for another spin around the house:

This is quite possibly one of the first photos where Ezra was actually posing. Usually he sees the camera and he wants to hold the camera so that's the end of the shot. I have to be sneaky. But for this one he even blurted out 'cheese'. Must be Ernie's influence.

Finally here's a video of Ezra and Ernie. I'm not sure where he got it from exactly, but he likes to push Ernie in the stroller and pretend that they're going to the airport so that they can go on a plane. He did it at least a half a dozen times this evening. He put Ernie in and then said "Bye bye Mama" and gave me a kiss and a very genuine hug. Then he and Ernie would round the corner (fly on the airplane) and the next time I saw them they were headed out again. Where are they going on the plane? I'm not sure.

Here I captured a shot of the hug before he left with Ernie.

I don't know if they'll let you on the plane like that Bucko...

* * *
Here's one last bonus shot of Ezra and one of his most favorite people, Nikkie. This shot was taken at our good friends Gabe and Koali's engagement party. Ezra had fun and then slept through a rockin' dance party. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Raia said...

"Ernie, buckle," I love it. So cute! He's such an amazing little dude. Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories!
