Friday, September 19, 2008

Photo Feast, plus Video Bonus(es)

Here is the promised crop of shots from our time here in Minnesota. We have had a wonderful, relaxing visit. It is so quiet and serene. The food is delicious as well.

Ezra in the old high chair that Raia and I used when we were younguns. Here Ez sucks on a tomato. Deliciously fresh from the farm.

Contemplating dessert.

Enjoying a little nudie butt session with Gramma.

Whisked away to Grandpa's garden, here Ezra poses with a HUGE tomato.

Dirty little hands and knobby carrots.

Enough with the pictures.

Farmer Ez takes a nap between the peas and the sweet corn.

Bright and bushy tailed he takes to Grandpa's old truck.

His apple tree has grown at least 5 inches! Here he scales the fence with Grandpa's assistence. Saidie the Dalmation looks on.

He loves his swing under the old Oak tree.

We even got to attend a football game of my brother Nathan! Ezra liked watching the game enough, but I sense his tastes will lie in more refined activities, such as dance and chess.

Seventh grade boys are funny.

He loves my sunglasses.

Back at Grandpa's house, taking a break in the sink.

He likes it in there. It's a great little play pen that allows me to do my business.

Away we went back to Grandma's, where it was finally warm enough for Tumpky to wear shorts and hang out on the deck with Grams. I know it's fuzzy but he so rarely smiles for the camera I'm posting this one. The deer in the headlights look is a common one, as exhibited here:

He loves the farm. It makes noise. We're leaving this one at Gram's.

Again on the deck, showing off his new red corduroy overalls.

Here's the bonus videos: the first shows his screeching and the second his fondness for chicken bones.

One last very cool note: my awesomely generous, totally talented, football extrodinaire bro is lending me his camera! May there never be picture doldrums again.

1 comment:

molly said...

such cute photos with grandma and grandpa!!! too adorable!
