Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fourth Birthday: Phase Two

Okay I know I said Phase Two would be the Magic Kingdom, but I forgot about the buffer phase in the hotel! We haven't stayed in a hotel in something like 2 years so it was pretty exciting. Ezra approved of the bed.

Then he approved of Tom and Jerry being on tv!

Then he approved of jumping on the bed while watching Tom and Jerry and didn't even want to go to Disney (we quickly changed his mind).

One last mentionable, we had to bring the cat, Lucy, along with us and she didn't share Ez's fondness for the hotel room. See, about a week ago she came in from carousing and was acting strange. She laid down on the bed and didn't move for the next 48 hours. Didn't eat, drink, you know the other things, nor move, at all, for two days. She's 14 so we figured she was going to Kitty Heaven, hoping it would happen before Disney. After a few days Ma took her to the vet and we found out she had an infection so she needed an anti-biotic twice daily. The neighbors had agreed to watch her while we were at Disney, but when simply cat watching turned into administering medicine they backed out. So we took the cat. She hung out at the hotel, got her medicine and is now almost back to her normal self. Next Phase Magic Kingdom I swear!

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