Ezra really, really likes skateboarding. Yesterday he and Theo were hanging out with their skateboards, and striking very similar poses. When we were about to leave Theo decided to lend the little skateboard to Ezra, a very nice gesture. Ezra has amazing balance, and can stand on the skateboard for a long time. He's even starting to flip the skateboard up by standing on the ends! I was known to skateboard for a bit in my day, and I might try to do a pop shove it for him if he ever let me try. He's in a bit of a stingy mood lately. Lots of "my turn" and "mine". Also, his new counting skills makes his treats double. As in, "Do you want a cookie?" and he responds, "One, two cookies!" Thanks, Grandma...
Ok, off to study for my LAST WEEK OF THIS QUARTER! Woot woot!
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