As promised, here are some photos from our lovely weekend on the Oregon coast. Sunshine on the coast is rare, so we really got lucky. Not quite warm enough to go swimming (or take off your coat), but warm enough to hang out for a couple of hours without your limbs getting numb. We'll take it! Our friends Cayce and Justin took these shots of me and my guy prancing around in the surf.

Kate and Usiah brought a really nifty kite to fly on the beach.

This is Ezra and Maya at the breakfast joint where we ate that morning. It was called the Pig n' Pancake, and there were these little stuffed pigs that were holding frying pans with bacon in them. You could buy the pig frying pig while you ate pig. It was darling.

Gabe and Koali got Ezra this really cool dump truck! It's made from recycled milk jugs. Amazing. Here Ezra and Maya fill 'er up with rocks in front of our yurt. You can see the port o potty in the background. Ezra was a little scared of it. Understandably.

On Sunday morning it was a little gray so we went into town to the free science museum. There were little model tide pools that had sea creatures that you could touch. Ezra did not want to touch them, but the option was there. In the above picture he is looking at what is in the below picture (a really flat fish that likes to be pet, the say).

He liked the clown fish a lot. So do I.
Here's a video of Ezra and Maya checking out the interactive elements:
Yes, Ezra did get a turn:

I snuck this while he was sleeping. It's his super cool sea horse tattoo that I put on his leg upside down so that he could look at it right side up.

In all that fun and excitement we never got around to lighting candles, singing happy birthday or eating cake (much to the disappointment of Usiah who kept asking "Birthday cake?"). Fortunately our good friend Roberta had a potluck that night so we brought over Ezra's tiramisu birthday cake and they helped us complete the birthday necessities, even putting on party hats. In the above shot Ezra sits with Grace, who was the real reason for the potluck. She's Roberta's sister who is visiting from Atlanta. Grace and I used to work together at the Tin Shed oh so long ago... She's a great gal.

Ezra had A LOT of fun.
Here's the candles, the cake, and the singing:
Here's a video of him making short work of the candles:
What a success! I am so thankful to all of the people who could join us to celebrate Ezra's second birthday. Also, those who could not make it, we really appreciated the phone calls (he got to listen to 3 people sing him happy birthday on speaker phone while he was in the bathtub), and birthday cards (and cookies!). What ever will we do next year... Chuck-E-Cheese?
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