Thursday, July 16, 2009

We Love Canada

Sorry so long since the last post! We have been out of the country, namely, Canada! More specifically, the Winnipeg Folk Festival, the best music festival ever. Highlights included: Iron and Wine, Arlo Guthrie, Neko Case, Okerville River, Oumou Sangare, Bellowhead, and many others. Ezra had a great time, dancing and playing, the only trouble was finding time for a nap amounst all the fun.

In the above shot we see Ezra toughing out a quick rain shower during the evening concert of the first night. The band playing was called The Punch Brothers (an excellent group!) and they were well worth braving the elements. When the rain stopped we were treated to the following double rainbow:

Very magical. What follows is a collection of shots over the four day festival. Enjoy!

He is an artist! This photo was taken in the children's area, an extensive land of oodles of crafts, arts, people on stilts, hoolahoops, balls, parachutes, inflatable animals, and live music. I have a feeling I will be spending an increasing amount of time here in the upcoming years...

He is a ceramisist as well.

Making bubbles with Grandma wearing his adorable aviator hat. (I think aviator, Grandma thought Menonite.)

With Grandma and Auntie having too much fun during the evening concert on the second night.

Contemplative in his stripey pirate pants. What a little Yogi!

He had been eyeing the other kids with wings, so on Saturday Grandma helped him fashion these little flutterers.

The cutest butterfly ever.

He loves his Uncle Ben. He loves his hat, his apples, and his lap.

Nice smiles, guys.

On the last night, looking a little worn out, but still trucking through to the finale.

A lovely sunset, and the festival comes to an end. We eagerly await the next!

I have a few videos as well, none that are real zingers, but I'll post them in the coming days. Hope you are all keeping cool! We've got another scorching lined up for tomorrow. Air conditioning here I come.

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