Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lovey dovey do

This weekend Ezra and I attended a lovely wedding in Tacoma, Washington. The ceremony was held at the bride's parents house on the shore of this lovely lake. Ezra got to wear a fancy, silk Chinese vest. I wanted matching white, silk pants (for him) but wasn't able to find any in time so these stripers had to do. It was an absolutely lovely ceremony. The sky was slightly overcast and during the ceremony it drizzled lightly and there was a nice sheen to everything. The flowers had those perfect dew drops like in pictures. The sun broke through the clouds as they kissed, and went back behind the clouds before they were finished. It was a long lip lock.

The groom is a fellow named Ty who taught at the Mayatan School with me this past year. It had been since I left Honduras in January that I'd seen him and of course he'd not met Ezra so it was really great to see him again. It was a very romantic wedding. The ceremony was led by a man and a woman of the Quaker persuasion, a religion I have always been interested in. Rather than being all about the couple and their love for each other there was a lot about community, peace, and us as whole. It was affirming to everyone. The food was a medley of hors d'ouevres, with veggies and dip, crackers and artichoke spread, and little bite sized desserts with grapes and strawberries.

The best part was the bride and groom's exit. Members of the wedding party started handing out sparklers and we all lined up in two rows leading to the dock. When everyone's sparkler was lit the bride and groom ran through the sparlking lane and jumped into a boat. The waved at us from the shore and disappeared into the night. Awwwwwwwwwwww.

Then we were left trying to figure out what the heck to do. See, Nikkie, Ezra and I had gotten a ride up with some friends of a friend. They were maybe going to come home that night. If they weren't we'd arranged to stay at another friend's parents. I thought we were covered. Turned out that our ride decided to stay the night and the friend's parents house was over an hour away. We didn't want to kill anyone's buzz asking around for rides and/or accommodation but as the night wore on we got a little desperate. Luckily Bunsy was in good spirits. He stayed up until midnight! Finally we found a room in a house where a lot of the wedding party was staying. Perfect. We got there first and were given the master bedroom. Very nice. Nikkie, Ezra and I slept very well. Then this morning when we got up there was really weird energy and the people wouldn't even look at us. It was a really gross feeling, like they were judging us. They are all very religious. In retrospect I think they thought Nikkie and I were a lesbian couple and Ezra our love child. Weird.

On the note of wonderful hospitality, we are enjoying very much staying with my dear friend Roberta. We may make this our permanent home as one of her roommates recently expressed the desire to move. Perfect! Here is a parting shot of Ezra and Roberta enjoying a moment on the couch together.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Swell Birthday

Yesterday I officially joined the 26 years old club! Very exciting. My dear mother sent the flower arrangement. My favorite are the blue hydrangeas. They look like butterflies. Ezra likes to pull out the petals. He also likes to make a new high pitched squeak/scream after hearing an ambulance for the first time. He is a little overwhelmed by all the traffic. When we go for walks he watches the cars with eyes like saucers. My poor country baby. I know he will adjust.

I had a very nice birthday. My good friend Lisa took us out for dinner at a local place inspired by southern cuisine. Called Miss Delta you can get collard greens, po boys, and black eyed peas. I had the blackened catfish and it was deeeeeelicious. I had a fancy cocktail too called the Farmer's Daughter that was very good. It had muddled cucumber, vodka, sour and cranberry juice. Very summertime.

After dinner we went over to another friend's house who were having a bbq and I ate even more deeeeeeeeeelicious food. There was also a three teared chocolate cake with green frosting that was tasty too. A lot of friends were there and it was so wonderful to see them all again. It's been hard sometimes but it makes me feel so good to have such a supportive group of people to welcome me. I'm crying again! Sheesh.

One thing that's been harder than I anticipated is answering the questions about Ezra's father. I hadn't had to talk about it in awhile. It chokes me up to say "I am a single mom." Clearly I've known this for a long while but to say it out loud is bringing up feelings. I take deep breaths.

I should take a lesson from a lady at the post office this morning. She was calling every man in the place her baby's daddy. I'm staying in the 'multi racial' part of town and they sure laugh more than us crackers. Everything takes a little bit longer cause you gotta let the chuckle out real nice and slow. It's comforting.

Maybe Ezra will learn to chuckle next.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This shot, provided by Mr. Connoy, captures our last afternoon in Minnesota. This was taken at Hidden Beach in Minneapolis (if you don't know where it is I'm not telling). We had a delightful picnic of fine foods including fresh baguette, walnut blue cheese spread, sushi, spring rolls, hummus, grapes, cherries, blueberries, and sparkling water. The weather was warm and the beach was packed. Some, including me, took a dip in the cool, refreshing waters. A very nice send off. Thanks to all who came.

That night we boarded the train at around midnight. The babes were already sleeping as we got on the packed full train. We had a hard time finding a seat at first, but women with babies inspire kindness thankfully. We were rocked to sleep by the clickety clack. I like the train, it's a fine mode of transport, but I will say a full day spent on the train is a long one. I put off looking at my watch for what felt like a loooong time. When I finally did I felt like it was sometime in the afternoon. It was 11:15.

Luckily the man who ran the refreshments was friendly and kept us mildly entertained with his long winded intercom announcements. Even better he gave us free creme brulee cheesecake. Ladies with babies, I'm telling you, we inspire.

Ezra loved the train. He slept really well and fell in love with his new friend Nikkie. She is the friend I met in Honduras who was on the train also. He didn't pay any attention to the scenery when she was around. He was always cooing and squealing. He even threw up on her. Now she smells like sour milk like the rest of us.

So now we're in Portland! It is a little overwhelming so far. Very noisy. Lots of people/traffic/sirens/stimulation. It makes me think that I don't want to live in a city. I need to be here to finish school but when I'm done get me out of this concrete jungle.

It's great to see friends again. There are many yet to see! Thursday is my birthday (26!) and I hope to have a croquet match following a visit to Pix Patisserie, a local gourmet sweet shop that I have been thinking about for the past 2 years since I left here. They have chocolate covered, marsapone stuffed figs.

Yes, I enjoy food.

It's been a long day and I better get to bed. We made it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tales of the Folk Fest

Baby love! How adorable? My darling boy is on the left and he is holding the hand of his newest buddy Usiah. We are settled in watching the main stage concert at the Winnipeg Folk Festival. We had a great time this year. The music was phenomenal, the company delightful, and the weather for the most part cooperated. We had one rainy day, Saturday, but we escaped the elements and retreated to a friend's hotel room (complete with jacuzzi). What every good camping trip needs.

For those not familiar with the festival it has been happening every July for the past 35 years. I have been in attendance of approx. 15. I love going and it is quite possibly the highlight of my year. This was Ezra's first of many to come.

The festival lasts 4 days and the music is from all over the world. Usually there is only a handful of artists I know, which makes it that much more fun because every year I learn of so many new, great musicians.

My highlights this year: Chic Gamine, Zorro in the Dark, Kathleen Edwards, Spider John Koerner, John Boutte, Joan Armatrading, Balkan Beat Box, Carrie Rodriguez, Shtreiml, and Justin Townes Earles.

This year was also the first in many that we did not camp in festival camping. Instead we went for the park campsites, complete with flush toilets and picnic tables. For those not in the know, festival camping is basically a field with some port oh johns where crazy hippies set up tents, teepees and the occasional pirate ship but never sleep.

I have enjoyed this in the past but feel like I made the right decision taking to the more family oriented park sites. Maybe next year...

A friend camping in festival did tell me a funny story of something he encountered just before sunrise one morning. A group of men decided to have a naked race and after stripping down found some ladies to sacrifice their scarves for a finish line. A bunch of bananas was offered as the prize. Just as the first runner bounded toward the suspended scarf a gorilla jumped out of nowhere and stole the bananas! (A man in a suit, of course.) So the group of naked men took off after the gorilla. This is a scene I find very amusing to ponder, but don't exactly regret not being there to witness it first hand.

What will next year bring? Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Welcome to the Blog, folks.

I have decided it is in better taste to blog rather than send out massive e-mails. I don't want to clog anyone's box. This way I am just here, whenever you need me, waiting with tidbits and tales.

First, I must address those grammarian readers who are dismayed at my titular choice. Yes, certainly I am aware the proper way is "My Guy and I", however, I like the ring of the grammatically incorrect version. My late grandfather shakes his finger from above, after all those years of insisting on correct usage. Please forgive me, I will do my best to honor your memory otherwise, by appropriate usage of the apostrophe.

For those who don't know the late Les Ottman he was very strict about grammar, in particular the apostrophe. He was also an all star speller, having won the senior spelling bee the previous three years in a row preceding his passing. We're all sad to have him go, except for the poor sap who's come in second all these years.

Moving right along. Some of you may remember that me and my guy are soon to be embarking on a big move across the country. Indeed we have much to prepare. There's nothing like needing to do something to make you do all the other things you've been meaning to do for weeks instead. For example, creating a blog after cleaning the bathroom after untangling your necklaces after organizing your underwear drawer. I'm sure we'll get it all together by Sunday when we leave.

We'll be taking the Empire Builder train, leaving at midnight and arriving on Tuesday late morning. Luckily we have some excellent company lined up including one of my best friends and her infant son. The two babes have met and are unsure of one another just yet. They like to stare and the older one likes to touch the eyeballs of the younger. They have ridden in the car together, which neither particularly enjoys, and were wailing in unison until Grandma and I sang Bingo and My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean. That quieted them.

We will be living close to each other and I'm sure they'll be great friends eventually.

The other gal who'll be joining us on the train is actually a woman I worked with in Honduras, who lived in my apartment after I came home to the States! How random is life. I look forward to hearing all the dirt I missed out on at school.

I am sad to be leaving Minnesota, especially since the weather is perfect finally. I have to be leaving a place to fully appreciate it. My little Hackensack has really grown on me. This morning I went to say goodbye to the gals at the gym where I've been going. We got big hugs and warm wishes. They saw me go from hugely pregnant to 4 month mama. You know I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for an hour the day before the birth, right? They were pretty nervous watching my belly bob but it did do the trick.

I will miss the Beths at the bank, how they call me when I am overdrawn and don't charge me fees. How I don't even have to tell them my name or account number, they just know. I will miss the lovely lake breeze and sunlight reflecting off the water, dancing on the walls in the afternoon. The amazing sunsets and taking rides in the old pontoon, too.

Most of all I will miss my mom. She has helped us so much in the past six months I don't know where we'd be without her. I know she has enjoyed this time too, watching our Bunsy grow and change everyday. It's hard to think about life without her swooping him away when I need to get something done. She's an excellent model of exactly the kind of mother I want to be. One that is caring, loving, supportive, helpful and a great friend. I understand more what it is to be a mother now, I would sacrifice everything for my child. I learned that from my mom and it is a great feeling.

Ok, dry your eyes, enough of that emotional stuff.

We gotta move, make a life for ourselves. The plan for Portland is to continue my university studies. I have about 2 years left for my BA and then I want to be certified to teach in Montessori education. After teaching those second graders I know I want to be a teacher. I'm so good at it! Well, I have much more to learn but I know it will be a fulfilling, happy, summers off job that I will enjoy. And then I can teach at the school where Pumpky attends and we can continue to be together ALL THE TIME.

The thing we must do first is find housing. Anyone got one? Not to worry, we do have a place to stay until we find a permanent home, but I prefer to not live out of a suitcase. I have replied to several ads but not too many folks are hip to living with a babykins. One lady was but she has a herding dog that goes nuts around kittens, much less babies. There's always something. I am sure that the perfect place will come. I would just like to know when. God?
Hopefully the next post will be full of certainties and rejoice.

Until then take care, and come see us often. (I might put some ads up to try and make some dough off this thing, when that happens you should come very often, with friends!)
