Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Little of This, a Pinch of That

One very important thing that I left out in my last post concerning what we've been up to for the past month and a half is that we had the lovely Finc family up for a visit! I only took these two pictures during their stay, but I bet you already saw Jeff's post about it. These pictures were taken in the Columbia River Gorge at Vista House on the Historic Highway. It's one of my favorite spots. We had a great visit and I personally think that they should just move up here!

We went to the Children's Museum with Maya and Jupey last week. In the above photo Ezra is pretending that the octopus is a vet taking care of the dog. That octopus got around, he also served food in the restaurant and played dentist to the crocodile. My lil' man is so imaginative!

Normally Ezra does not paint his face but something about Maya made him very eager to paint not only his face...

Jupe got a blue unibrow. Lookin' good!

The finishing touches...

Voila! There's also coloring on his belly and legs folks!

Later in the week Maya and Jupe came over to our house for the afternoon. Jupiter helped me with the laundry...

While Maya and Ez took a bath and talked at length about anatomy. I wonder when they will be too old to take baths together?

 As the day grew late they did a little nature inspired art with the marigolds on the dead grass.

They do the cutest things together.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

We enjoyed the visit as well! Thanks for being such a good host/chauffeur/tour guide. And thanks to Ezra for being such a fine gentleman and for sharing his toys.

We will move up there only if I can join the band of pirates.
