Monday, November 16, 2009

Bath Babies

Ezra never wants to wear clothes. Nudie butt nudie butt nudie butt. And now that our house has heat his dreams can be realized. We had heat before but it was oil and very inefficient, so we didn't use it much. Now we have gas heat, and it even has a timer! So it's not 50 degrees in the house when we wake up, but rather a balmy 62. It's lovely. Last weekend we hardly left the house because it was just so cozy. Of course we went to gymnastics class on Saturday, and then we snuck in to an art class where we made some arts and crafts. I sent one of the creations off to Great Grandma today. She's gonna love it!

Sunday we read books in the morning and then took a walk to the park, regardless of the misty rain. We watched some teenage boys skateboard (and use expletives) and a bunch of crazy people play ultimate frisbee in the mud. Ezra loved it. Then we walked home and he took a 2 hour nap, during which I made banana bread, chicken salad, and any other task I could find to avoid my Chinese Literature homework. I do like that class I just have a hard time making myself do it.

Today we got a package in the mail from Grandpa Rak and Uncle Nate. They were so kind as to lend us a cell phone since mine is kaput. A wallet exchange size school photo was included of Uncle Nate, and Ezra held it closely to his chest in between looking at it deeply, saying "Yeah Uncle". He really likes his uncle. Good thing he gets to see him soon for Christmas! He even wanted to take the picture to bed with him. Sweetie pie.

Other big news: Ezra has successfully gone number one and number two in the potty twice, on his own accord. I have put him there and he has done it before, but this is the first time that he saddled up and did the deed. He is enjoying cookies and stickers as rewards, and we're making baby steps towards no more bulging diapers. Onward! The cookie reward system is working well, because they're designated for Ezra's potty training, it keeps me from eating them (until after he goes to bed). No seriously I haven't eaten so much as one.

Hope you are all having a good week. I keep thinking that this week is Thanksgiving, but it's not. Oh and one last thing: I got a 97 on my test in Native American History! Woop woop.

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