That's a big bite sonny...

Brain Freeze!

Can he handle more? Yes!
You may notice the white nurse shoes adorning his feet. Yes, he officially has joined the croc imitation footwear society! I was a little against these shoes, but he really likes them. In all their whiteness. I tried to talk him into some red ones, but he would not have it. Now I am challenged daily to orchestrate an ensemble that goes with these clogitos. Maybe I should just throw in the towel and get a matching pair for myself.

The train is the hit of the month. He demands I create all these tunnels, he loves tunnels, and within 2 minutes he bull dozes them. "Mom, more tunnels!" It's a great game. Train tracks provided by aunt and uncle, blocks hand made by Jason (see "Bro-mance at the Beach").
It's been a long Monday, time to hit ze hay. I love to hit ze hay.
Oh and our thoughts and prayers are with Olive Marla Oil, the amazingly wonderful but sickly Siamese Cat who is suffering from cancer.
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