Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hey everybody! Sorry for being a posting loser lately. Our plate just keeps getting fuller. A couple of brief announcements: Kate and I are moving out of our house at the end of this month, so shots such as the above one are going to decrease in frequency. This is sad. The boys do get along every once in awhile, and for these glimpses it is a joy to watch them play. Until the pushing, screaming, and squabbling of course. They still call each other their best friend, but don't really act that way 89% if the time.

The other announcement that some of you already know is that we will be moving back to Minnesota at the beginning of April. I have decided to finish my degree online so that we can be closer to family. I really miss the unparalleled support of family. When I moved to Portland I had a deranged idea of how much my 20 something-childless friends would want to help me out with my darling boy. Here in the city we are all much too busy, and I need a slower pace. I also moved to Portland to have a social life, but you know what? I never see people! Maybe once a month, but really it's 99% me and Ez, rockin' it the two of us. It'd be nice to have a Grandma or Grandpa around. Heck, even an Uncle!

Anyways, there's a lot to do between now and then, what with packing, finals, and Ezra's birthday (we're going to the coast!), so I'll try to post but if I don't, I'm sure you'll understand.

Hope you had a good Valentines Day!

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