Monday, October 12, 2009

We are Alive!

Hello so sorry for the delay! We have been scooting all around these past weeks, and not only that but my first term of four classes has begun. Chinese Literature and Theory is the hardest, Latino Popular Culture is the easiest, History of Native Americans is the most sobering, and Social Psychology is the one that I can't decide if it's legit or a bunch of crap. Can you really study people like that? Hmmm... anyways, back to our adventures. In the above photo you see Ezra scaling the rather large hill that he had just attempted to slide down on a piece of card board. We were hanging out on this hill waiting for the Swifts to arrive. Swifts are birds that migrate through Portland, and every September you can see then funneling into a huge chimney across town. It's pretty exciting. Here's more info if you're interested. So the following shots are of us entertaining ourselves while the birds had their last insects before calling it a night.

Tom, Usiah and Ezra at the bottom of the hill. It didn't really work to slide down on the cardboard, but they found other things to do with it...

Like make a Usiah burrito!

Usiah is unsure if he really needs his other shoe. Kate insists.

Ezra and Usiah think we have come to watch the women work out. Actually I think they just really wanted to pull on the bungy cord excersise thingys.

The birds are coming!

Ezra is pretty freaking stoked. Kate laughs. Usiah waves.

I brought some oreos, they were a hit.

Ezra likes the oreo himself. Mr. Black Lips.

* * *

Ok, on to the next adventure. This past weekend we went to Eugene to visit Rachel, my old neighbor and co-worker while I was living in Honduras. We went down with Koali, another previous co-worker. The teacher who took over my class and bought my motorcycle was there too, Sam, so it was a funny little reunion of folks. Lots of folks. Beyond those mentioned there were about eight to ten more people who coincidentally visited Rachel last weekend too. Meaning a full full full full full house. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but it's tricky navigating a toddler through a house of sleeping 22 year olds at 7 Am after they all went out to the ho down the night before. I'm not 22 anymore, it's official! I was so overwhelmed I forgot to drink water the whole weekend and now feel kinda sick. Acutally I have this weird rash too. Little red dots on my belly and upper chest. So! On to the photos from our trip...

We were supposed to be going to the Saturday Market but we got side tracked by this amazing play ground. In the above photo Ezra pumps some water, assisted by Rachel.

There was a little town that Ezra loved, complete with city hall, market, hotel, and school. It was called Fronteir Village and it reminded me of all the assimilation techniques used by the U.S. government in dealing with Native Americans. Fun stuff!

Eating with Rachel (vegetarians).

In the stage coach that had some sweet hydraulics.

This was the thing that caught our eye. A double layer play structure! Can you find Ezra?

Ezra was caught deficating in the park and was sentenced to jail.

But he escaped!

He got pretty dirty. You know what that means, he was having a ball.

Parting Eugene shot of Sam and Trevor (Rachel's boyfriend) on the bicycle built for two. It was pretty adorable.

* * *
Here are some random videos from the past weeks:

They love pulling Kate off the couch.

They love to dance with records on their heads.

Ok, I promise to (try) to post again sooner!
Take care.

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