Monday, June 15, 2009

Strawberry Pickin'

To celebrate my first day of my break from school we went berry pickin'! The strawberries are gorgeous, red throughout, and the sweetest little thangs. I made two pies with them, one a peach strawberry and the other a straight strawberry. I think I'll have a slice for breakfast tomorrow to start out day #2 of vacation. It is so so so nice to have a break and to spend all day with the Ezranator. He's so cool. Here he is in the patches, which he usually doesn't like strawberries but today he was eating a lot of them, you can see the red lips.

The next shot is to show off Ezra's new shorts. Grandma sent them in the package. I think they will fit for the next few days, at least. I think they are hilarious and just watching him walk around in them this afternoon was enough to entertain me. I tried to make a video but it didn't work out, but weather permitting he'll be wearing these shorts in the very near future and I will try to capture the round of his bottom. By the way, he's not upset because of the shorts. He loves the shorts, too. He is upset because he wants me to open the front door so he can stroll down the street and show them off.
No he doesn't have sign language for that, but I can just tell.
Oh and he's wearing his new sandals, too! So cute.

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