Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hay Ride, Hoe Down

This evening we had a fabulous time with friends. First we went to the farm out on Sauvie's Island and took the hay ride out o the pumpkin patch where we found ourselves a six pounder. We went with Kate and Usiah and we were both gushing about how many pumpkins we were going to get, she was going to get 4 and I was thinking 3. Than we realized that we were two women with two babies who would probably have our work cut out for us with one pumpkin a piece. Here's a shot from the hayride. Ezra liked to grab the hay. I did my best to intercept before the hay entered his mouth.

Then Michael, Julie and Chiaki showed up and Chiaki had her first caramel apple! The verdict: delicious.

There was a great rockabilly band playing and I danced with Bunson and he loved it. Then he spent some dude time with Michael. Here they are all blissed out in dudeness.

It was a fantastic evening. I have been study study study lately so it was nice to go out and have some fun. Both of my classes have tests this week, one Tuesday and one Thursday and I really want an A++ so I have been passing Tumpky around to whomever will play with him and getting into my Geology. I am really enjoying these classes. It would be so awesome if I were a Geologist... we'll see how I do on the tests.

So here's some random shots from the past week.

Can you guess who that gorilla bobbing for apples is?

Why of course, it's Usiah!

My dear Mother sent the boys these hats. Here they model on the loveseat.

And here they have a contest to see who is weirder.
I'm not sure who won.

P.S. I got my hair cut. It's a mullet. A fashion mullet. The irony of it all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fashion mullet you say!??! Awesome. I want to see it! The pictures at the pumpkin patch are awesome! Sometime soon I want you two to come over for dinner. We will be gone next weekend for Laura's wedding, but maybe the weekend after that? Eh? Good luck with your midterms! Mine are quickly approaching.
