Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Trip to Honor Cristian

As you read in my previous post, Ezra's papa was recently killed. We were unable to travel to Guatemala to attend his funeral, but we intend to travel there in December to honor Cristian and to pay our respects to his family. It will be a very difficult trip but necessary in our grieving process.
I have created a fundraising website and greatly appreciate any help you may offer to fund this important trip.
You can view the fundraiser at the following website:

Thank you so very much. Peace to you.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cristian Emanuel Morataya Arita, or Papa

 I received a call this morning from Cristian's sister. She told me that last night Cristian was killed. 
I don't know why or who, all I know that Ezra's papa is dead.
I feel very sad and appreciate any prayers for peace and calm.
Ezra hasn't quite reacted, and I feel as though it will be a pain that will gradually affect him as the reality sets in. I am thankful that we have pictures and memories.
I am trying to not be angry as anger is what fuels this senseless, disgusting violence.

We love and miss you Cristian. We wish everything was so different in this world. 
Thank you for being a wonderful man through good times and bad and from teaching me so much.
We'll never forget you and I'll care for your son the best I know how.
