We have been running all over the place these days, and I've even been taking pictures of our adventures! In the above photo Ezra is preparing some Christmas gifts.
Here he showcases his secret weapon for Christmas gifts this year (hand prints!)
Last night we headed out to our first Christmas event, it featured: a showcase of Christmas trees, a teddy bear hospital, face painting (he held SO still for his snow man), and SANTA! In the above shot he hangs out with Crystal and his bear, who he named Back.
Here's a close up shot of Back. We adopted Back from the teddy bear hospital, where Back then had a cast put on his arm, a tetanus shot administered to his butt, a cap from the OR, and a newborn size diaper.
There was also a performance of middle school kids who were actually really good. Ezra liked their jazzy rendition of Frosty the Snowman. He said, "more, more" and clapped Back's hands together after each song.
Here's the big moment! Ezra got really comfortable with Santa this year, and was talking talking talking his head off about choo choos, hats, and his new bear. Santa was looking fantastic with his mustache curled up at the ends and his lovely cloak. I had to pry Ezra away from him.
On to the last class of gymnastics!
Ezra really pulled out all the stops with his tye dye outfit today. It was gray, foggy, and cold when we woke up so we decided to bring in a little light.
Paired with the ribbon wand he is ready for the folk festival! Or a rave...
And finally here's Maya, Ruby, and Ezra, the dangle berries of class.