Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fun Fun Fun!

Even though we forgot to leave Santa cookies and hot cocoa, he still left some presents. Here's the pile before:

And here's the mess that the pile became very quickly!

We went to see Sesame Street Live last week and it was awesome! Grandma came as well as cousin Merritt and his Grandma Ane. There was lots of singing and dancing and both Ezra and Merritt seemed quite overwhelmed/mystified/amazed at the show. Ezra got some binoculars to get a better view of the show, but for some reason he was having trouble locating the stage.

This was my favorite part: Cookie Monster doing Riverdance with sheep in kilts. Cookie even said at one point, "Eat your heart out Michael Flatley!" A little dated, but hilarious non the less.

Ezra was pretty focused on all the action.

I like the wigs!

The theme of the show was being healthy, including eating fruits and vegetables. Here some large produce dance around on stage, however the only available food at the show to actually eat consisted of cotton candy, snow cones, pop corn and nachos. Hmmmmm.

I really wanted to get a picture of Ezra and cousin Merritt together, but after the whirl wind of their first proper theatrical production the boys were a little burnt out. But they match!

This New Years Ezra and I spent the evening at our little house, very low key and relaxing. It has been snowing and blowing here so most of our friends were staying in as well. We were in bed by 10, but had nice candles, music and goof balling around to celebrate the waning hours of 2010.

Ezra designed his first city this New Years on the etch-a-sketch. He was very intent with his drawing, and told me all about the people who live in the city. I didn't know if the etch would be a hit, but it really has! Love the oldies but goodies.

Ezra and I made these delicious banana muffins. Fresh out of the oven, slathered in butter, mmmmmmmmm good. Got the recipe out of the Moosewood cookbook, the only cookbook I have. So good topped with pumpkin seeds, cashews, and cranberries. (Even though Ezra picked off all that good stuff, some day he'll get into it.)

New Year's muffin and tea party! The best.

I noticed today that someone is marking his territory, but who? Night Rider?

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