Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas is Coming Together

Just when I felt like we were falling behind with our Christmas preparations we went ahead and got nearly everything ready! The Christmas tree helped kick us into gear. Grandpa and Uncle found this beauty for us (it's actually just the top of a tree) and tied it to the back of the Miata. It made the trip just fine and I was even able to get the sucker in the tree stand (this is tricky without another set of hands, holding the tree up and screwing in the bolts and warding off a clingy three year old is slightly maddening). Once the tree was up we had to decorate it of course, and Monday I spent waaaaay more time than I had anticipated stringing popcorn garland. That is time consuming! And Ezra was munching the whole time so by the last strand the kernels were getting few and tiny. Once the tree was trimmed the presents were wrapped to go under the tree, of course. Ezra loves to take all the presents out from under the tree and study them intently. At first I scolded him for it (I had just arranged them so nicely!) but then I remembered how much I liked to take all the presents out to sort them, ie make sure no one had more presents than me, so I said what the heck- rearrange all you want.

Last weekend the church in Hackensack asked Ezra and I to be shepherds in the Christmas program. Why not? Ezra was the cutest shepherd ever, of course, in his little bathrobe and cap.

Can you find us down in front by baby Jesus?

Ezra is really into this little dictionary/thesaurus lately. Shirtless and sitting in a tiny box in our living room, he has gotten quite comfortable in our cozy little house. You can see a little bit of our tree behind him too. I'll take some more pictures to post soon, I still have a few more popcorn garlands to make.

Hope you're getting your holiday lists done, too!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa, Cheddar Block, Mama's Shoes, PJs

What a beautiful Santa wouldn't you say? This guy has been hanging around at the mall for a couple of weeks now and we finally got out to see him this past week. Ezra was the only kid around so he got to chat it up with Santa for quite awhile. He is chatty these days! I don't think he ever got around to telling Santa what he wants for Christmas, however. From what I overheard they talked at length about the North Pole, the Polar Express (Ez's FAVORITE movie as of late- he will watch it many times in one day if allowed which he normally is not), and the reindeer. He recited his favorite line from his preferred film for Santa which is, "All I got from Santa are stupid underwear!". I am pretty certain that Ez will be getting some of his own stupid underwear under the tree this year from the jolly man.

Ezra has been on a major dairy kick as of late. Between yogurt and this block of cheddar he is consuming dairy products at every hunger pang. I tend to trust his little body to know what it needs (to a degree).

While I was folding laundry Ezra was busy dressing up in my socks and shoes and his own underwear. I think it is time to put together a costume box!

We got a membership to the Science Museum here in Bemidji and have been spending quite a lot of time there. We are possibly getting too comfortable as we're attending in our pajamas. I remember posting about my irritation with people wearing their pajamas in public here, and now we have become them. It's something to do with the cold. We pity ourselves for the suffering of sub zero temperatures and therefor give ourselves a treat in the form of comfy pants. I think.
